Intern's Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a new intern that needs a quick breakdown of important information? Confused about where to start? Worry not, this page will answer any frequently asked questions that interns have. 

Intern's Frequently Asked Questions

Are you a new intern that needs a quick breakdown of important information? Confused about where to start? Worry not, this FAQ will answer questions that interns commonly have. 

How do I join Slack?

You will find the Slack invite link in their onboarding email. Once in Slack, make sure to join your department’s Slack channel and introduce yourself. 

How do I join the to-do spreadsheets?

Invites to the to-do spreadsheets will be sent out by your department leaders through email. Give a shout on your department’s Slack channel for access.

When are my Weekly Reports due?

Weekly reports are due on Friday at 11:59pm. 

How do I submit a Weekly Report?

Weekly reports will be submitted through a Google Form that will be linked in Slack. A reminder to fill out the form will be sent out on Fridays. It will cover things like questions or concerns, approximate hours worked this week, what you worked on this week, and goals for future weeks. Weekly reports will be automatically shared with the correct parties.

Weekly reports are sent through email.
FIRST LAST NAME, Weekly Report for MM/DD/YYYY.

Body: Weekly reports are made up of 4 different sections. 

Section A: Questions or Concerns.
Section B: Approximation of hours worked this week.
Section C: What work you did this week.
Section D: What are your goals for next week? What new tasks do you plan to work on in the coming weeks?

Weekly reports will be sent to your supervisor, CC your department ELT and DH.
