Analytics Department

Learn more about the Analytics department and the type of work the interns within the department do.

About the Analytics Department

The analytics interns analyze the performances of the VA’s web and social media channels in order to help the content creators maximize reach and engagement across the VA community. The department has two teams: Social Analysts that use Social Studio and Facebook Creator Studio to monitor Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, and Web Analysts that use Google Analytics to monitor web channels like VA News.

Achievements and Tasks

  • Web Analyst Interns work with Google Analytics to analyze the metrics surrounding content on VAntage Point to provide insights on any reception. This includes strengths, weaknesses, suggestions, and more.
  • Social Analyst Interns work with Salesforce Social Studio to analyze the metrics on the various social media accounts run by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Similar to their Web counterpart, they use different types of reception to provide insights on potential improvement.
  • The constant work put towards improving VAntage Point, each social media account, and the entirety of the departments.

Achievements and Tasks

  • Web Analyst Interns work with Google Analytics to analyze the metrics surrounding content on VAntage Point to provide insights on any reception. This includes strengths, weaknesses, suggestions, and more.
  • Social Analyst Interns work with Salesforce Social Studio to analyze the metrics on the various social media accounts run by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Similar to their Web counterpart, they use different types of reception to provide insights on potential improvement.
  • The constant work put towards improving VAntage Point, each social media account, and the entirety of the departments.