Andrew Jung discovered the VSFS VA internship through the VA weekly newsletter and was interested in helping his fellow Veterans. He currently works for the Web Analytics department, collecting data from the VAntage Point blog and using it to help Veterans.
Andrew Jung was applying to internships when he discovered the VSFS VA internship through a weekly newsletter from the VA. “The Digital Media Engagement (DME) internship stood out among the rest,” he explained. “It presented an opportunity to not only gain relevant work experience but also to work with an organization that has supported me, my family and friends throughout the years.
Andrew joined the Web Analytics team, a relatively new department of the DME. “The current VA community is 18+ million strong and there is a ton of valuable information available.” Web Analytics records and analyzes daily data relating to the blog and its contents. With nearly 1.5 million viewers visiting the blog monthly, this data ranges from the content that visitors view, how they arrive at the site, the amount of time spent viewing and other factors. “We can then analyze and use this information to help optimize and improve Veteran outreach, website usability and even determine what content Veterans are most interested in,” Andrew stated. Although his department is new, Andrew is confident about the impact of analytics for site visitors. “We have a wealth of data to look through and a lot of work ahead of us that will further benefit the Veteran community and their families.”
As a Veteran, Andrew knows the importance of bringing skills from the service to the civilian workplace. He believes that Veterans have a wide range of adaptable skills like leadership, communication, teamwork and plenty of experience working in demanding, fast-paced situations. “These are all things that employers and the DME seek in a successful candidate. It’s also important to know your target demographic and to be able to relate to the Veteran community.”
Andrew encourages Veterans to join the DME internship. “It’s a great way to gain the experience you need to transfer into the public sector and make a ton of great connections with amazing people. We also have the privilege of working with peers from different backgrounds in education, career paths and life experiences, but all with the focus on the single mission of supporting our Veteran community and their families.”