Beginning college can be a major life change for any freshman, whether attending close to home or even miles away. Feelings of homesickness, anxiety and being overwhelmed will creep in the second you stand on your new campus. It’s important to remember that every freshman goes through these same doubts and feelings; the key is to push past them and jump in feet first.
The first few weeks of college are critical for freshmen. One of the most important tips for an incoming college freshman would be to attend all the orientation activities your university has planned for you. While this may seem nerve-racking and sometimes not even worth your time, orientation can be one of the most important starting points in college. You may not believe so at first, but this is most likely where you will meet friends that will stick with you for the next few years. Orientation not only offers you an easy place to find new friends and meet potential classmates but also lots of information about your university. Attending orientation can make your transition to college a lot smoother and provide you with resources and connections to get you through the first semester.
Dorm Life
If you’re living in a dorm, then you most likely have roommate(s) and maybe even share certain facilities with others. Know that it may take some time to adjust to living in a dorm with others. Speak up if you are unhappy with your roommate or living situation, as usually there is an upperclassman overseeing your floor or rooms that can help resolve any issues you come across. Try to get to know not just your roommate, of course, but also others on your floor. The more faces you recognize, the more comfortable living alongside them will become.
Professors and Academic Advisors
Getting to know your professors and academic advisors is very important to do as a freshman. Take advantage of the office hours that your professors hold and get to know them outside of class. Doing so may not only help your performance in the class but also provide you connections with those in your field. Your advisors help you register for classes, resolve any class conflicts, schedule classes, plan future semesters and help you to declare your major/minor(s). Making sure you reach out to them for all your academic questions will help you make sure your plans are meeting university requirements. Getting core classes out of the way may be beneficial to you, so schedule an appointment with your advisor and learn about how to plan the right semester. You do not want to be lost during the day of your class registration and find yourself stuck taking random elective courses at 7 A.M.
Writer: Madison Eberhardt
Editors: Alexander Reza, Annabelle Colton
Graphic Designer: Kiki Kelley