Volunteer's Home
The main resource page for any volunteers interested in joining The Digital Media Engagement Volunteering Program. All information and resources can be found here for those looking into joining.

The Digital Media Engagement Volunteering Program
A virtual opportunity for former interns, current college students, and college graduates looking at helping Veterans
The DME Volunteer Program is a federal program comprised of volunteers who help create content for The Department of Veterans Affairs VAntage Point blog and social media platforms. DME Virtual Volunteers have the opportunity to work in various DME departments.
Sign up now to become a DME Virtual Volunteer!
The Department of Veterans Affairs DME Team partnered with VA’s Voluntary Service (VAVS) to create a volunteer program that was initially designed for former DME Interns. It is now open to any college student across the country who would like the opportunity to volunteer.
It is a prospective volunteer is interested in joining the program, they will need to request and accept an offer, and then begin the program after completing the onboarding with VAVS.
For more information about the program, please visit our Volunteer’s FAQ Page.
Please fill out this form, if you are interested in joining the team.