What it's like as an engagement and retention intern: -"To put a lot of effort into your statement of interest and make sure to have your personality shine through." Image Caption: Casey Smith -DME Interns Blog logo

What it’s like as a Engagement and Retention Intern

Sneak Peak: Get to know Casey Smith, a human resources intern here at the Digital Media Engagement Internship Program! As a current graduate student pursuing an MBA at Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, Casey shares his experience balancing school, work and his internship duties.


After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration in Management and Human Resource Management in 2020, Casey Smith is currently pursuing a Master of Business Administration at Lamar University. Alongside his studies, Casey also works as a graduate assistant where he helps organize school events and ease incoming freshmen students into college life. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, he wants to make sure that all new students have “the tools they need to succeed,” in these unprecedented times. 

In late August 2020, Casey joined the Digital Media Engagement Internship program as a human resources intern to gain more experience in human resources and to have an opportunity to work with Veterans. Having a grandfather that served in World War II, Casey was eager to work in an environment that would combine his family history with his academic passions. His current task consists of him working on an application promoting the DME internship to current students and alumni at various universities and colleges. He also assists with offboarding interns, approving RTO requests and picking up other necessary management duties.

When asked how he balances his studies, his work as a graduate assistant and his duties as a human resources intern, Casey stresses the importance of maintaining a 9-to-5 workday schedule to track all his deadlines. By keeping this schedule, Casey enjoys time for himself throughout the week. In his spare time, Casey plays video games and is dragged into playing board games with his roommate. His favorite TV show is “Game of Thrones” and believes that the last season was a nice way to end the show.

His advice for prospective interns applying for a position in the DME human resources department is “to put a lot of effort into your statement of interest and make sure to have your personality shine through.” For current interns, Casey reflects on the importance of staying engaged with team members on Slack and recommends that interns take advantage of the opportunities and feedback available from the larger DME community.

Writer: Elizabeth Jefimova

Editors: Julia Pack, Brooke Wolfenbarger

Graphic Designer: Katie Rahill

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