
Welcome to the VA Digital Media Engagement (DME) Team Internship Program Website!

Thank you for your interest in the VA Digital Media Engagement (DME) Team Internship Program. The purpose of this website is to provide prospective interns and external stakeholders an informational source about the DME Internship Program. The website also assists the DME Internship Program Supervisor and current interns in managing the internship program. This website was designed by the Web Department of the DME Internship Program at the end of the 2018-2019 year.

Please visit the About tab and its subsections to learn about the value of this internship program, examine the structure of the internship, review past accomplishments, and read testimonials from some former interns.

Please visit the Contact tab to offer any comments or feedback about the website.

Please visit the Application Information tab if you would like information on the application process or wish to apply to the program.

Please visit the Internship Departments tab and its subsections to learn about the work done by each internship area or “department.”


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